October 20- 21- Halifax, Nova Scotia

October 20  Captain Skipped New Brunswick, heading onto Halifax
Yesterday we awoke and had expected to be in New Brunswick. But we were still at sea. I had no internet and had to wait the next day to text a report to my friend, Cindy, and ask her to share it on my Facebook page. 

October 21 Halifax, Nova Scotia
No internet. Now in Halifax. Captain had to abort entry to New Brunswick/Bay of Fundy due to gale force winds and a narrow channel to enter the bay. The ship had been rocking back and forth all night and was still pretty rocky today. Good decision. If I can, I'll send a couple pics later. Feeling a bit better today but not sleeping well.  After Captain made that decision, it took another 24 hrs to get here in Halifax. The ship was rocking side to side in the wind and rain. Not bad but hard to walk sometimes. But today its calm here, 47d. Our tour isn't until 1pm since we weren't supposed to be here until noon. Its 10:30 now. Again, at a big wharf, not much to see. Even the Maritime Museum doesn't open until 1. I see some colors in the few trees here.
Look at the size of our ship next to the buildings!
Looks like pics won't text to Cindy. Not a lot to see here. Bus tour through the city with history was nice. Saw lots of Fall colors and took one pic out of the window.
Peggy's Cove, where the bus took us, was a charming little seaside fishing village, with beautiful rocky inlets, dramatic rocky coasts with geysers of ocean water shooting up in the air on the rocks when windy, which it was. It had colorful small cabins & houses, but sadly the tiny area and narrow roads were overcrowded by buses and tourists. I wasn’t able to walk much there. The landscape there was scoured by glaciers so only scrub brush left. It snowed 2 days ago. Only had 1/2 hour for lunch so had halibut fish and chips and delicious homemade gingerbread. 

This was my pretty tote bag made and given to me by my friend, Amy, and I wanted to share it with her that it made it to Canada with me. It was very handy carrying stuff with me.  

The restaurant’s place mat had a map of the area, which you can see is pretty small.
Back at the ship we stopped at Pier 21 Immigration Center next to where our ship docked and got copies of the ship's manifest of the SS Canada from 1912 with my Grandma's name on it when she arrived at Montreal from Norway via Liverpool, England. It was a steamship and took 9 days to cross. 


Now we’re sitting here on our deck waiting for the ship to depart. We came on at 5:15, ship was leaving at 5:30. Its almost 6. They're missing 300 people, probably late coming back on tours. And we have to deal with tides getting out. Will be interesting. We had a nice surprise as we finally pulled away from the dock. We started hearing bagpipes, and looked outside and saw a bagpiper playing on the dock to us as we departed. What a nice send-off!
        NEXT DAY -- https://2018fallcolorscruise.blogspot.com/2018/11/october-22-sydney-cape-breton.html


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